Our resources include e-Booklets, Supplemental e-Booklets, Spanish Booklets, and other useful links! Check them out below!


Commercial Property Owner's Guide to Earthquake Safety
Lead Protection Guide
Residential Environmental Hazard Guide
Wood Burning Handbook
Full Homeowners' Guide
Homeowner's Guide to Earthquake Safety
Mold Remediation

Supplemental e-Booklets

Home Energy Rating Booklet
Homebuyer's Energy Efficiency Checklist
Consumer's Guide to Radon Reduction
Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Country
Mold, Moisture and Your Home

Folletos Españoles (Spanish)

Riesgos Medioambientales Residenciales
Guía de Seguridad contra Terremotos
Proteja a Su Familia en Contra del Plomo
Echando Raíces en Tierra de Terremotos
El Moho, la Humedad y su Hogar

Supplemental Links